Recognition and Equivalence Services have been conducted by the Council for Higher Education since 1983 to determine the equivalence of associate, bachelor”s and master”s degrees from international higher education institutions in our country”s higher education system.
The equivalence procedures are carried out under the Convention on the Recognition of Documents Related to the Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications in the European Region (Lisbon Convention), the Higher Education Act No. 2547 and the Regulation on the Recognition and Equivalence of International Higher Education Qualifications.
Recognition by the Higher Education Council that an international higher education institution and a corresponding programme of that institution are entitled to award degrees. The degree-awarding higher education institution should be authorised to award degrees and diplomas by the competent authorities of the country in which it operates, and there should be accreditation and quality assurance processes that are transparent, accessible and sustainable.
This is the determination of the equivalence of associate degrees, bachelor”s and master”s degrees obtained from foreign higher education institutions and programmes with associate degrees, bachelor”s and master”s degrees awarded by higher education institutions in Turkey in terms of performance at the corresponding level of education. The academic level of the higher education programme completed, the degree and qualification, the sum of national credits and/or ECTS required for the degree are assessed in terms of the knowledge, skills and competences to be acquired.
Those who wish to pursue professions corresponding to their completed international higher education studies and those who have a degree in the health field (compulsory) and who wish to pursue master”s or doctoral education in Turkey may use this document.
Only those who wish to document a “higher education degree” as a result of the assessment of academic degrees without assessment of professional achievements.
For the documents Diploma Equivalence and Graduation Recognition, preliminary applications must be made at the following web addresses.
Turkish citizens:
Foreign nationals:
This is the document produced by the Council for Higher Education for the recognition of a foreign higher education institution. It can also be obtained via e-government:
This is an office that responds to requests for information from international stakeholders, conducts research and reports on the recognition of countries” education systems, accreditation of higher education institutions, diplomas and degrees from relevant institutions and recognition of their academic or professional qualifications.
The networks NARIC (National Academic Recognition Information Centres) and ENIC (European Network of Information Centres), which were merged in 2004 on the website Lisbon Recognition Convention Committee, work under the name ENIC-NARIC country offices and exchange information on topics such as the recognition of academic and vocational qualifications, quality assurance in higher education, the use and dissemination of instruments of the Bologna Process and academic mobility, and develop international strategies. The Turkish ENIC-NARIC Office has continued its activities since 2003 within the framework of the Council for Higher Education. Click for more information:
Detailed information on recognition and equivalence services can be found at